Conservation’s dark secret.

For decades, Western conservationists have weaponized the climate crisis. And Indigenous Peoples, our greatest guardians of biodiversity, have suffered the most. Rape, murder, torture, violent displacement. This is the story of Protected Areas. This is the story of conservation.

30 by 30 is the most significant threat to Indigenous Peoples since colonialism

The 30 by 30 initiative is seeking to preserve 30% of the world’s lands and waterways by 2030, but the methods need rethinking. We are calling on the conservation community to take a pause to learn of a better way. A way that protects the future and honors the past. A way that empowers Indigenous Peoples that have and will care for their land. A way that ends the targeting and decimation of Indigenous communities even if with good intentions. A way that realizes the quickest way to get it right, is to do it right.

Buzzfeed news reported on human rights violations committed by the World Wildlife Fund, which resulted in this congressional hearing in 2021.

Indigenous Peoples have suffered under “Fortress Conservation”

Currently, 30 by 30 is promoting a conservation method called “Fortress Conservation.” This method classifies Indigenous lands as “protected areas,” placing them under the control of local governments and western NGOs. Indigenous Peoples are forcefully removed from their homes or denied their fundamental rights. This has resulted in massive human rights violations, including rape, torture, and murder.

Indigenous Peoples are more effective at preserving biodiversity

The data is clear. Not only is “Fortress Conservation” morally abhorrent, but it is also a flawed conservation method. 80% of the world’s biodiversity is found on Indigenous lands. Legally recognized Indigenous forests experience less deforestation. Traditional ecological knowledge is our best hope at preserving Earth’s biodiversity, therefore Indigenous Peoples must be placed at the forefront of all conservation efforts.

The Solution: Recognize Indigenous Territories

The good news is that a clear solution exists for protecting Indigenous Rights and our planet. Recognizing “Indigenous Territories” as a category of conserved areas provides an alternative to “protected areas.” This would permit countries to count Indigenous land, already preserved by Indigenous Peoples, towards their 30% goal without reclassification. This important step would protect Indigenous Peoples and support them in preserving our planet’s biodiversity.

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